Hi! I’m Moises,
a Full-stack developer and front-end passionate.

Full-stack Software Engineer (Front-end Heavy) with 5 years of experience in web development. I have a bachelor's in Software Engineering. I love to bring ideas into software.

Professional Experience

Fullstack Software EngineerZoomcare (via Cognizant)

Currently, I'm working as a full-stack engineer at Zoomcare, although my journey here began as a front-end engineer. Through my versatility and adaptability, I have successfully established myself as a full-stack developer, actively participating in a variety of projects.

  • I played a significant role in developing a new micro front-end MVP architecture for the front-end App. The outcome was a clean and efficient solution that impressed other teams working on similar projects, leading them to adopt the same approach.
  • Integration of a React App into a Java GWT app, allowing users to access new UI features without interrupting their daily operations. This improvement made the user experience much smoother.
  • I also refactored some complex and hard-to-understand React code, making it more user-friendly and reusable. As a result, the development process became faster and more productive.
  • Development of features and improvements following Test Driven Development, which helped in delivering features and improvements that were easier to manage and implement. This approach made the development process run more smoothly.
  • I actively participated in refinement sessions, offering ideas to simplify and optimize the development process. My analytical skills and forward-thinking mindset were valuable assets to the team.
There was also a lot of back-end work, so I decided to also jump into it. Some of the achievements that I have done are:
  • I provided valuable support to the back-end team by assisting in the development of testing cases. This contribution saved them hours of work and ensured a smoother testing process.
  • Documented a comprehensive list of all the necessary API endpoints for a new microfrontend app. This clarity helped the team understand exactly what needed to be done, ultimately saving countless hours of time and reducing confusion.
  • Successfully tackled full-stack tasks that required both back-end API implementations and front-end integration. This seamless collaboration between the two components resulted in a more cohesive and efficient development process.

React JS Frontend DeveloperSMASH MEDIA

As a Frontend Developer at a SaaS marketing platform, I played a key role in implementing new features to enhance the platform's capabilities.

  • My expertise in Frontend Development was primarily focused on utilizing React JS as the main framework. I followed Test Driven Development principles, ensuring the quality and reliability of the features and improvements I delivered.
  • One of my notable accomplishments was building the new main view of the app, which incorporated four different charts and data filters. This addition significantly improved data visualization and user experience.

  • One of my notable accomplishments was building the new main view of the app, which incorporated four different charts and data filters. This addition significantly improved data visualization and user experience.

  • I also leveraged Storybook to efficiently develop components, enabling seamless integration and better collaboration within the development team.

  • I took the initiative to refactor class components, leveraging the power of React Hooks to enhance code maintainability and optimize performance.

Web DeveloperMijo Brands

As a Web Developer at a dynamic digital agency, I immersed myself in a challenging ecosystem with multiple active projects using different frameworks such as ReactJs, Angular, Wordpress, etc.

  • A remarkable achievement during my tenure was building an impressive Minimum Viable Product (MVP) web app for an IA logistics company, completing the project in less than two months. This challenging task highlighted my ability to deliver high-quality solutions under tight deadlines.

  • I also contributed my skills to an e-commerce web app powered by PHP and WordPress. My role involved implementing innovative features, enhancing the app's functionality, and elevating the overall user experience.

Web DeveloperISAL Digital

During my time at the Digital Agency, I contributed to a wide range of projects, including landing pages, corporate websites, single-page apps, and mobile applications.

  • My role primarily involved Front-end Development, and I also dabbled in Back-end Development.

  • Beyond development, I had the opportunity to showcase my creative skills in both Web and Mobile UI design, crafting visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces.

  • As part of my commitment to delivering top-notch user experiences, I conducted UX research and design, ensuring that each project met user needs effectively.

  • With a passion for building things from the ground up, I took charge of designing website layouts from scratch, resulting in well-structured and intuitive web experiences.

  • Additionally, I played a key role in the maintenance and deployment of web apps, ensuring that they ran smoothly and efficiently.

  • Beyond web projects, I also ventured into Mobile Development, building applications that delivered engaging experiences on various devices.

  • Lastly, I participated in project architecture planning, strategically mapping out the framework to ensure efficient and scalable development.

Latest projects

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My old portfolioMy old portfolio

This is my old personal portfolio. Built using ReactJS, it uses Framer motion for animations and styled components for styling.





ISAL DigitalISAL Digital

Landing page for a Digital Web Agency. I optimized it to make it start from 20s to 2s







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Worldwide BlogWorldwide Blog

This blog consumes api.realworld.io. Here you can post anything you want.





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This is a movies library. It consumes themoviedb.org api. It also has a dark/light mode





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Blog built on top of firebase, it uses React. It also implements authentication.







Car Dealer concept Car Dealer concept

Concept design for a car dealer



Design Patterns Specialized Workshop

Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro

NodeJS Specialized Workshop

Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro

Máster en JavaScript: ECMAScript, Angular 9+, React, NodeJS


Santander business innovation award 2020 - top 10 finalist


Posible 2020 - Final National Camp
